King Constantine II
King Constantine II of Greece was born on June 2, 1940 at Psychico, a modest villa situated on the outskirts of Athens, where his parents, then Crown Prince and Princess had their home. The second child and heir of TM King Paul I(1901-1964) and Queen Frederica(1917-1981). He has two sisters Queen Sophia of Spain(1938) and Princess Irene of Greece(1942).
He was baptised on July 20, 1940, at the Royal Palace in Athens and his god-parents were the Greek Armed Forces, the late King george II, relatives of the Royal Family and representatives of Foreign Heads of State.
During World War II, while still an infant, he shared all the perils of the Royal Family and with them left Athens in April 1941. His parents first went to Crete, then Egypt and finally South africa, returning to Greece on September 27, 1946.
A few months after his return, King Constantine made his first public appearance as Crown Prince at the funeral of his uncle King George II.
The King's education began at a preparatory school for boys chosen from all parts of the community and continued at Anavryta, a new public school system designed to develop character according to the Platonic principles of education.
His religious instruction, according to the tenets of the Orthodox Christian Church, was entrusted to the Chaplain of the Royal Palace.
His military training in each of the three branches of the Armed Forces, started in 1956 and that year, he was appointed an honourary corporal in the commandos.
In June 1958, at his coming of age, King Constantine was sworn in as an officer of the three branches of the armed Forces, becoming a second lieutenant in the infantry, an ensign in the Royal Hellenic Navy and a pilot officer in the Royal Hellence Air Force.
In 1959, he entered his first year of Law School at Athens University. At the time he took courses in philosphy of law, adminstrative law, economics as well as communications and transport in Greece.
It was that same year that Princess Anne-Marie made an impression on her future husband. He was passing through Copenhagen when he saw her, the youngest daughter of the King and Queen of Denmark. The attraction was instantaneous between the two.
They saw each other throughout the years at official functions and at family events(wedding of Juan Carlos and Sophia). They became officially engaged on Janurary 23, 1963 and were married on September 18, 1964. They went on to have 5 children: Alexia(1965), Pavlos(1967), Nikolaos(1969), Theodora(1983) and Philippos(1986).
Unfortunately the glitter and joy of their wedding did not last long into their reign as the King and Queen of Greece due to a colonels coup in 1967, in which the entire family was forced to flee to the country. They settled in Rome where King Constantine hoped that if he was called to return to his reign he would be close at hand. However that hope was lost when in 1973 the Monarchy was officially abolished.
King Constantine and Queen Anne-Marie now make their home in London with their two youngest children.
A Prince: images from childhood til about 1964.